It takes the same amount of time to love me as it does to hate me.

I have been battling with myself on how to explore my creative side for some time now. I have always been the guy who was more polished in my presentation. Everything was by the book, no one-offs. The beauty of this is that I developed structure, regiments and discipline. I can focus on one task and work towards getting it done efficiently. The downside is that I have not explored those quirky parts of myself that made me unique. I did not join the debate team, participate in my high school production team, or become a member of the spirit squad (all-boys high school; the spirit squad was sick at EVERY game).

But over time, I began to want to explore those parts of myself. I started caring less about what people thought about me and more about what I wanted and what makes me happy. In this process, I am learning that nothing can defeat happiness. We can all sense inner peace. When someone is truly happy with who they are, they have that glow. In turn, it makes them more enjoyable, more fun and you want to be around them and to live more free in yourself. Who doesn’t want to be around folks who are living their best life?....EXACTLY.


I hope this blog helps you out as much as it helps me. I hope that it gives you some insight on who I am and inspires you to live your best life as well. We only have one shot at this. Let’s do it right. Welcome to backtoBLACK!


Master Class